Candy Colors For Grown Up Tastes

Let's just say its quartz--but depending on its color, it's bound to be called by different names.
What's In The Name?
This abundant mineral all over the earth's crust, grabbed its name from High German quarz, or hard. You like amethyst don't you? And citrine? How about smoky quartz?
They are all popular quartz varieties, but the pink version, sometimes mistakenly called rose quartz still catches collectors off guard. True pink quartz is indeed a gemmy crystal--transparent and elegantly toned. The clear delicate blush is courtesy of aluminum or phosphate.
Pink -v-Rose Quartz
For the record, rose quartz is colored by different trace elements, and appears with a milky semi-transparent look.
So is the gorgeous pink quartz "Girlie"? You bet--but with a grown up twist. This uncommon natural beauty is featured in couture creations like this red carpet Brumani ring on actress Selena Gomez at the Teen Choice Awards in Los Angeles recently.
Brumani Candy Rose Ring with pink quartz center. SRP: $6,132
Image Courtesy: D'Orazio & Associates, Beverly Hills