Ok, "Let's get a 12 pack of paper towels, hot dog buns, and oh yeah. . .
that million dollar solitaire I've had my eye on."
Too fun not to post, Costco, a warehouse style retailer makes it easy for shoppers at their big box store to bag a 6.77 carat D/IF diamond ring in a platinum mount. How's that for time management?
Their listing shows its IGI (International Gemological Institute) report valuing it at $1.6M. But Costco, as you are aware is lauded for their value. So this goes out the door at $1Million even, okay?
So pick up the stuff for this weekend's picnic and oh--what the heck? Might as well toss that ring in the cart while we're at it. What with gas being so high and all, we don't want to get home only to turn around . . .
You're welcome --- for giving you heads up on making your weekend shopping experience that much easier.