Searching Deep Within For Beauty

In recent years, designers have sensed the desire in their customers for highly personal jewelry. Not only shall it be beautiful and have intrinsic value, but the most precious jewelry items will reveal something special about the collector. Could it be that technology, that runaway train, has created a fascination for a return to the natural world ?
Designers are definitely reaching for more exotic gems to offer their customers, and jewelry fans are embracing them with fervor. Stalactites are one of the most exotic gems placed in gorgeous contemporary jewelry we've seen.

Lovely and mysterious, these gems were once hanging from the ceilings of caves. Liquid minerals dripping down from the 'ceiling' as it were deep within underground caverns eventually harden into long tendrils. Some liquid minerals reach the floor underneath stalactites and form into mounds called stalagmites.

Take a look at a cave where stalactites are formed. Can you imagine anything so spectacular as the imaginative Nebula's Eye necklace by Nina Nguyen Designs owing its origin to this mysterious underworld?

 Nebula's Eye necklace: Courtesy Nina Nguyen Designs


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