You Need to Calm Down

Some people want to make a bold statement with vibrant--strongly saturated colored gemstone jewelry. That's what ruby and sapphire are for. Drama mamas. All good.

But others, including your intrepid bling-wrangler, yearn to create a sea of calm using pastel colored accessories. Singly stated or in combination with other pale tones, pastel jewelry offers a softer take in the personal expression department. 

Taylor Swift donned some soft as spun sugar colored gemstone jewelry for her recent You Need to Calm Down video. Pastels work well together. They are natural color-buddies.

Here's an idea. Anabel Chan multi-color pastel lab-grown diamond heart motif pendant earrings. My kind of everyday elegance.

Check out this ring she wore--very grown-up-girlie indeed. You don't need summer time to wear these soft tints--but it doesn't hurt.
Cinderella Ring in pale rose pink sapphire by Anabel Chan


Try making your statement using your ' inside voice' in pretty pastels.

They'll look good on you!
Anabel Chan jewelry and Taylor Swift images; Credit D'Orazio & Associates


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